Does exercising really mean that you’re fit?

There’s no doubt that regular exercise and workouts are important for maintaining good health. But does that mean that if you’re doing those things, you’re automatically “fit”?

Not necessarily. Being “fit” is about more than just exercising regularly. It’s also about having the right mix of different types of physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough rest.

So, if you’re doing all of those things, then you can say that you’re truly “fit.” But if you’re just doing the exercise and not paying attention to the other factors, then you might not be as fit as you could be.

Let’s dive a bit deep into the world of fitness, and understand what it really takes for one to be fit.

Is it only about going to the gym?

Fitness isn’t just about going to the gym! It’s so much more, and only a fraction of it is associated with gymming. There is no doubt that going to the gym brings a certain level of structure into your life, and more so if you are with a trainer. Within months of doing gym, you will start to see slight results. However, what you do in the gym will only be beneficial if what you do outside the gym is fitting. For instance, your actual growth happens during the rest period (sleep) of your body, and the exercises at the gym can only work if you get proper nutrition.

If not gymming then there are a number of things you can do that can help you get in shape. Here are some of our favorite examples:

1. Take up running.

Running is a great way to get fit, because it’s both cardiovascular and anaerobic exercises that help you build endurance as well as strength. You can also use running as a way to explore new areas.

2. Join a team sport.

Team sports are great for fitness because they require both individual effort and teamwork. You’ve got to be strong enough to hold your own against your opponents while also working together with them toward a shared goal. It’s an excellent way to learn how to work together with others in order to achieve something, which will benefit you in all areas of life!

3. Take the stairs

If you live on the 10th floor of an apartment building, then it’s not a curse, it’s a boon. Whenever, you can take the stairs. It works out the major muscle groups in your legs and glutes. Overall, just climbing up and down the stairs is great for your health.

4. Practice Yoga

You might have already heard what Yoga is. The best thing about yoga is that you don’t need much space. A mat and some silence can do wonders for not just your physical, but also for your mental health. Yoga is a set of exercises that focuses on controlling breathing and increasing flexibility.

5. Activities like hiking and rock climbing

If you have a sedentary lifestyle then these activities are a must for you. Most people think that hiking and rock climbing are something that only professionals do. This couldn’t be further away from the truth. Anyone can do basic hiking and rock climbing. It is really good for your physical health.

Take the leap with enough sleep!

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our physical health. It is the time when our bodies are able to rest and repair themselves. When we are sleeping, our bodies are able to heal any injuries and illnesses. When we go to the gym and work out, our muscles are put under stress, and that causes micro-tears and lactic acid buildup. Hence, the sore muscles after an intense workout. It is when we sleep, the micro-tears heal and we get bigger and stronger muscles.

Sleep also helps to improve our immune system and helps to protect us from diseases. It is also beneficial for our mental health. It helps to improve our mood and helps to reduce stress. Sleep can also help to improve our memory and concentration.

There are different stages of sleep, but the most beneficial stages where our muscles recover are the deep-sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. If we are not getting enough sleep, it can affect our physical and mental health in a negative way.

What you eat is more important than how much you exercise.

What you eat is more important than how much you exercise. That’s because when it comes to full nutrition, it’s not just about calories. It’s about getting the right mix of nutrients that your body needs to function properly.

There are three main nutrients that your body needs in order to function properly: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy, proteins are needed for cell growth and repair, and fats are essential for absorbing vitamins and minerals.

To get all of the nutrients your body needs, you should eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups. The best way to do this is to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with whole grains. Add a small amount of healthy fats, such as olive oil or avocado, and you’re on your way to a well-rounded, nutritious meal.

Can exercise affect your fitness negatively?

If you thought that exercise was always good for you, think again! There are some disturbing facts about exercise and fitness that you might not be aware of. For instance, did you know that overexercising can cause heart attacks? Exercise addiction may sound absurd, but it is a real thing. If your muscles are sore from the excessive exercise, then you won’t be able to do proper training the next day or week. Over time, needless hours in the gym can be detrimental to your health.

An addiction to anything is bad, and overexercising can do the opposite of what exercising it’s meant to do. Bad techniques and excessive exercising can cause insomnia and fatigue.

And if you’re not careful, you can also injure yourself while working out. In fact, fitness injuries are one of the most common types of injuries that people suffer from. So before you hit the gym, make sure you know what you’re doing – otherwise you could end up doing more harm than good.

How to develop a holistic fitness regime?

A holistic fitness regime is one that takes into account all aspects of your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. To develop such a regime, you need to first assess your current level of fitness and identify your goals. From there, you can create a customized plan that incorporates a variety of activities that will help you reach your goals.

Your fitness regime should include both cardiovascular and strength-training exercises to improve your overall fitness level. Cardio exercises such as running, biking, or swimming help to increase your heart and lung health, while strength-training exercises such as weight-lifting help to build muscle and improve your bone density.

In addition to exercise, a holistic fitness regime should also include healthy eating habits. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help improve your energy levels and help you reach your fitness goals.

Finally, it is important to focus on your mental and emotional wellbeing as part of your holistic fitness regime. Taking time for yourself to relax and de-stress is just as important as getting regular exercise. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are all great ways to reduce stress and improve your overall sense of wellbeing.

To conclude, it is crucial to understand the essence of fitness. Exercising is just one variable in the equation that results in fitness. Follow the rules of exercises, sleep on time, and eat right! Join Sacred Beast app for better guidance in workouts and diets.